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Sillouette de turbine éolienne

Through its 3 offices in Paris, Brussels and Lausanne and its international network of partners, E-CUBE Strategy Consultants operates all over the world

Paris and Brussels team


A graduate of SciencesPo, Alexandre founded the firm in 2009 after more than 10 years with Arthur Andersen and Roland Berger.  The development of E-CUBE in all its dimensions occupies part of his life, but he also cultivates a very particular art of living of penichard all year round and of Haut-Savoyard when winter comes.

Alexandre Bouchet

Founding Partner

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An engineer by training, Pierre founded the firm in 2009 after having spent most of his career  professional in various Anglo-Saxon consulting firms. A fan of mountaineering, ski touring and water sports, Pierre also has a few marathons on his computer.

Pierre Germain

Founding Partner

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Alexandre joined E-CUBE in 2011, after his training at the Ecole des Mines ParisTech. He has led numerous strategy projects in the electricity, gas, energy infrastructure and transport sectors, for both private and public actors. Sport of all kinds and music are the two other passions that fill his life.  

Alexandre Hoffer


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Graduated from École Centrale Paris, David has 25 years of experience in management consulting (Oliver Wyman) and industry (Solvay, Danone) where he developed the first internal startup of the Solvay Group. He assists major players in the agri-agro, energy and chemical industries in their climate change adaptation strategy and their sustainable innovation programs. You can meet him several times a week in the boxing ring.

David Sorin


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A graduate of Solvay, Patrick joined E-CUBE in 2014 after nearly 12 years at Roland Berger. Since 2014, he has been developing the Brussels office and his expertise covers rail, energy markets, strategic and operational excellence aspects. Cold, wind and storm are not valid arguments not to go for a bike ride on weekends or during the week.

Patrick Pütz

Director of Brussels office

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Engineer from Paris and Columbia Mines, Etienne has piloted numerous missions on renewable energies and electric & gas systems. He supports transport operators and IRVE on the evolution of the mobility market. In charge of the IS, he makes sure that his colleagues take advantage of his eclectic tastes in music.

Etienne Jan

Senior Manager

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A graduate of the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Philippe has led numerous strategy projects in the electricity, gas and transport sectors. He also heads the Data & Digital Solutions activity of E-CUBE which combines the production of applications and the strategy relating to data and IT tools.

Philippe Abiven

Senior Manager

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Catherine started her career at Mazars, first as Financial Auditor then as Human Resources Manager. She joined E-CUBE as Administrative and Financial Director. Of Breton origin, Catherine loves to relax in the Abers region and admire its splendid sunsets.

Catherine Kerjean

Administrative and Financial Director


As an event project manager, Elisa has always enjoyed pleasing others through various acts of kindness. After being self-employed as a wedding planner and later working in an event agency, she now has the pleasure of supporting the consultants at E-CUBE through various missions to promote a better #LivingTogether. She aims to provide an even more pleasant and friendly work environment. You'll undoubtedly run into her in a sneaker store. When not working, she likes to unwind with running, yoga, and skiing

Elisa Gosse

Office Manager

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PhD. in Physical Chemistry from Sorbonne University, Pascal has more than 38 years of industrial experience in innovation, strategy and general management in the fields of chemistry, energy and agribusiness. Founding president of the Axelera, he has managed an industrial plan for the Ministry of the Economy in chemistry and biofuels. He practices the milonga, is a fan of contemporary jazz and baroque music with a weakness for JS Bach. He travels the Pyrenees and especially the Basque country on foot or by mountain bike.

Pascal Barthélémy

Expert Director

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A graduate of the universities of London (Imperial College) and Cambridge, Stéphane specializes in acquisition issues:  strategic and commercial audits, performance improvement plans. An eclectic bicycle collector, he divides his time between Belgium and France. 

Stephane Schifflers



A graduate of Sciences Po, HEC Paris and Pierre et Marie Curie University, Clémence has led numerous projects around the renewable energy production and decarbonation sectors. She is also responsible for CSR within the firm. Rugby fields, climbing walls and snowy slopes are his favorite playgrounds.

Clémence de Pommereau

Senior Manager

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A graduate of Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge, Pierre joined E-cube after previous experiences in consulting at Bain as well as in the world of AI startups

Pierre Dufrasne

Project Manager

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A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and the University of St. Gallen, Damien has worked on assignments relating to the development of electric mobility and the production of renewable gas. A lover of nature and the outdoors, he does not miss an opportunity to go and recharge his batteries in the Alpine massifs, his native region.

Théo Demey

Project Manager

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A graduate engineer from ISAE Supaero, Quentin joined E-CUBE following his initial experience in business strategy consulting, motivated by the desire to contribute more significantly to the energy and environmental transition. Outside of E-CUBE, you can find him discovering the most beautiful European regions on his bike or struggling to reach the top of a climbing wall

Quentin Lecomte

Project Manager

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ESSEC graduate,

and IFP School, Laurine joined E-CUBE with the desire to support actors in the search for innovative solutions to understand the issues of energy transition.  Of Norman origin, she fell under the spell of the capital and its many treasures

Laurine Palix

Project Manager

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A graduate of Sciences Po Paris and the University of St. Gallen, Damien has worked on assignments relating to the development of electric mobility and the production of renewable gas. A lover of nature and the outdoors, he does not miss an opportunity to go and recharge his batteries in the Alpine massifs, his native region.

Damien Ferrier

Project Manager

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Engineer graduated from AgroParisTech and IFP School, Baptiste has worked for private and public actors on the development of renewable gases, alternative fuels or decentralized electrification. Passionate about literature and photography, Baptiste is also an avid hiker, swimmer and electronic music lover.

Baptiste Guichard

Senior Consultant

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Engineer from Mines de Paris and ESPCI, Valentin has supported many players in the development of projects related to the hydrogen, mobility and CO2 capture sectors. A water sports enthusiast, Valentin does not miss an opportunity to indulge in kitesurfing.

Valentin Ollier

Senior Consultant

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Engineer from Mines de Paris, Astrid has worked on missions around the development of electric mobility and the deployment potential of hydrogen. A great lover of hiking and photography, Astrid takes advantage of her weekends to go on an adventure, backpack on her back

Astrid Lalouette

Senior Consultant

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An engineer from the Mines de Paris trained in innovative design methods, Arthur now assists large companies in their energy transition, using innovation as a lever. And to decarbonize his own daily life, this fan of sports and cooking thrives on long bike trips and practices a meatless diet (but not saltless).

Arthur Rasse

Senior Consultant

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A graduate of ESSEC and IFP School, Camille has participated in numerous missions around electric mobility (charging stations) and the decarbonisation of industry. Passionate about boats in all its forms, Camille leaves Paris regularly to sail towards new horizons

Camille Duteil

Senior Consultant

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A passionate engineer who graduated from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Victor supports energy players, particularly electricity and gas, in their strategic thinking and their sector studies. An amateur climber in his spare time, Victor feels like a fish in water on a climbing route.

Victor Courtehoux

Senior Consultant

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Loraine holds an engineering degree from Ecole Polytechnique and an MSc in energy and data analysis from University College London (UCL). She has participated in various modeling missions, notably on the electricity market or urban traffic, with E-CUBE's Data & Digital Solutions activity.

Loraine Coste


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Graduated from EDHEC, Charles is interested in the levers of action and the role of innovative actors in the transformation of large companies, in connection with the ecological transition. Also a music fan and a novice climber, he is an ambassador for the Ardèche, his home department.

Charles Vallon


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Engineer from Mines de Paris, Astrid has worked on missions around the development of electric mobility and the deployment potential of hydrogen. A great lover of hiking and photography, Astrid takes advantage of her weekends to go on an adventure, backpack on her back

Hadrien Beauvais


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Victor is a graduate of the Ecole des Mines de Paris and the Université Paris-Dauphine. He is interested in new forms of mobility, the electricity system and the decarbonisation of supply chains. Passionate about music, Victor takes advantage of his free time to play the guitar or discover new artists.

Victor Elie


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Engineer from CentraleSupélec, specialized in energy, Adèle joined E-CUBE following her end of studies internship, with the desire to participate in the energy and environmental transformation of major players in the industry and energy sectors. She has gained experience in hydrogen strategy and CCUS.

Adèle Fournier


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A graduate of Sciences Po Paris, Léanna joined E-CUBE following her end-of-study internship. She is interested in the energy transition and the decarbonisation of industry, and has notably participated in missions concerning the self-consumption of energy and the greening of gas uses for several industrial players. In her spare time, you can find Léanna on a rugby field or in the stands of a stadium.

Léanna Cazenave


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A graduate from CentraleSupélec, Guillaume joined E-CUBE in 2022 following a six-month internship at the firm, with a desire to understand and participate in the energy transition. Outside the office, you will often find him in the great outdoors, skiing or cycling depending on the temperature

Guillaume Amblard

Senior Business Analyst

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A graduate engineer from the Ecole Polytechnique and holder of a Master's degree in Renewable Energies from the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden (KTH), Alice joined E-CUBE with a desire to contribute to the energy and environmental transition. She uses her free time to explore Europe by train

Alice Lacroix

Senior Business Analyst

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A graduate engineer from ISAE Supaero and holder of a Master's degree in Public Affairs with a specialization in Energy from Sciences Po Paris, Jeanne joined E-CUBE after working at the Ministry of Ecological Transition on climate-related issues. She is keen on assisting energy and transportation sector actors in their transformation. A great lover of nature and adventures, she takes advantage of her weekends to wander with her backpack

Jeanne Bosc Bierne

Business Analyst

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After completing an engineering degree at ENSTA Paris, specialising in energy production and management, Jean-Michel joined E-CUBE for his end-of-studies placement with a view to working on issues relating to the energy transition.

Jean-Michel Mamfoumbi

Business Analyst

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Youen has just finished his engineering course at CentraleSupélec, specialising in the energy sector. He joined E-CUBE for his end-of-studies placement with a view to working on issues relating to the electricity market, mobility and adapting the strategies of major groups to climate change. In his spare time, you're sure to find him on the athletics track, hiking trails or in cinemas.

Youen Le Marrec

Business Analyst

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A graduate of CentraleSupelec and IFPen / INSTN, as well as Paris Dauphine University, Matthieu has worked with numerous players in the development of projects linked to the decarbonisation of the maritime and aviation sectors, electric mobility and natural and technological carbon sinks. A great lover of nature and jazz/electro music, Matthieu likes to recharge his batteries in the mountains on footpaths or in the air (paragliding) and improvise on the piano.

Matthieu Acker

Business Analyst

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